To see my first review go click I Wasnt Finish Reading Yet!!!
Well.. to finish my first review bout this book, I gotta say that this book is quite something. Because at the end it served us with something that was really touching. By I say touching means it taught us that 'look' is not that important if it comes to anyone's life. Cannie didn't feel like she will be happy again after she found out that her baby was born premature and she's not in a good shape, she was small with wrinkles around her skin and pinkish frail skin. This had taught Cannie that all of her concern about her weight and Bruce (Her Ex-bf) is nothing compare to her baby's life. She had fallen into hole where she couldnt find anyone else to help until Dr. K come. He came to save Cannie from her crumbling live and finally replace Bruce's place in Cannie's heart.
You have to read the book to understand Cannie's character. The book is quite special itself cos of it's funny language. And please mind that it pulished in 2000, so you might have to synchronize a lil bit with the fashion and other trends (cars) back in those days. Actually I read the books online. you can download it from 4shared, but if you dont like to read from pc or notebook, well u should try for book stores. But once again since it published in 2000 u might have a lil trouble with that. :)
The insight of the book is you need to feel comfortable about yourself therefore u'll find ur own beauty. you need to lean on someone's shoulder sometimes to release all the burdens inside, someone that you can trust.
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