The Expendables - Worth to watch for the casts only!
I watched 'the expendable' movie yesterday. Thankfully I watched it in DVD so I wouldn't get angry that much to cost me the ticket. For you who haven't watched this, maybe u should think twice before u see it. It is ridiculously has so ridiculously many of ridiculous dialogues in it, even for an amateur director. There's a lot of dry dialogues, -maybe they put them anyway because they thought they're funny- but they werent funny at all (I dont know bout you, guys).
Well I really am appreciate Stallone's effort to make his own movie, but come on!!! Hire a better action movie script writer, please! And there was this scene when the team had to set up explosives, God... they showed it without any edit, yup! They did it all over again and again. I mean I get it! Now can you please move to the next scene. I barely keep my eyes opened until then. And the story was only so-so, just a common mercenaries that had a later consciousness as pure as mother Teresa, and this consciousness have brought them back to the place where they need to save someone and not for the money, but only to save her...Wooohooo... touching, huh?
The casts they were wonderful, very wonderful....but with those dialogues and that kind of editing...such a shame. Well maybe I expected too much in this movie. I compared this movie with Rambo series, Transporter series, Danny the Dog and even Steve Austin's underrated thriller movies (I even forget the title and they don't even provide the info in Wikipedia), or maybe I even expected too much by comparing it with A-TEAM, but hey...the promo was really big and the casts was really tempting...
Shortly... Sorry to say Mr. Stallone, I wont watch this movie for twice... I wont even watched it if i knew it would be like this.
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