Well, today (31/08/09) will be my last day in this office. the office was cool actually, with modern atmosphere and deluxe facilitation, it is absolutely providing a conducive environment. Not to mention that it located outside Surabaya (u're gonna need something that really really amusing, such as good toilet!). Well u might say that it is in the middle of industrial jungle, so very hectic and hot!!!
Since few days before, i feel like i have nothing left here. If previously I have a believe that I will make it, well not in past few days. It's like God has opened my mind. That's why I intended to resign after this contract. But God really makes my job easier, the company is letting me go, well i guess it doesnt matter for me, cos the result is still the same. I WONT BE HERE per SEPTEMBER.
Few Reason Why I Should Leave this Company:
1. I have no potential improvement here, no matter how many reply I've got. It's like they just playing me, only ask for prices then left me with an empty hope (hahahaha, very hyperbola!!!)
2. I feel like I can get so much better than this, well Im smart, convident, fast learner and very good in team, not to mention that i live for challenge! (yeah!!! That's why i survived for 24 years of my life!)
3. The Boss words really hurting me, he acted like he is the most generous boss in this world, that's why i feel like i dont have to make me look better in front of him. And perhaps thats why im the one who terminated. Well maybe u should check on our salary, Boss!!! I dont really care anyway!
4. Im just really not into this company anymore.
Nevertheless, i really like this job actually, but not with thesalary... Dude!!! I need more, way MORE!!!Atleast you have to give me a way more fun job with that range. I cant get my french course, I cant shop enough, and I dont even have my own Bank Account.
God, it took 6 months to realize that i'm really not for this company! But i still intended to apply as an export marketing into another company, or maybe a writer!!!
Oh and for the one who rejected me for junior writer position, well u can suck it up!!! Im not from english department, but honey, it took more than just grammar to make a good writings. And we, International Relations under-graduated got more TOEFL score than English Department did!!! (well some of us!) lol... no offense, dear!
Oh and I hate MALAYSIA!!! (this is my blog, so i can say wa'eva i want)